tutoring for everyone
PeerWise Tutoring
Accessible tutoring by accomplished high school students
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide affordable, accessible, and high-quality peer-to-peer tutoring for middle and high school students. Composed of a team of high-achieving Morristown High School students who excel in their respective subjects, we provide personalized support to help students overcome challenges, build confidence, and unlock their full potential.

Meet Our Tutors
Click on any of the following buttons to see our individual tutors personal statements, specialties, and rates

Jonah Sulkin
Jonah is a current senior at Morristown High School with a 4.9 GPA and a 1540 SAT. He is currently Senior Class President, a member of National Honor Society, English Honor Society, and Math Honor Society. He has taken 6 AP courses and is currently taking 4 more. Jonah specializes in tutoring Math, English, History, and Macroeconomics. He is available to tutor any subject for middle school students.

Aidan Olidge-Evans
Aidan is a current senior at Morristown High School with a 4.7 GPA . He is currently a member of National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America Club, Key Club, and Sargent at Arms for Jack and Jill. He has taken 8 AP courses and is currently taking Linear Algebra. Aidan specializes in tutoring any level of Math and English. He is available to tutor any subject for middle school students.

Gavin Raiz
Gavin is a current junior at Morristown High school and currently has a 4.9 GPA. He has already taken 2 AP courses and currently is enlisted in 5 more. Gavin specializes in History, English, AP seminar and science. He is a member of the Morristown soccer team as well as the baseball team. Gavin also is heavily involved in research as he is currently taking Morristown’s AP Research class. He is also available to help tutor any subject for middle school students.
Christian Vandergroef
Christian is a senior at Morristown high school and currently has a 4.5 gpa. He is the president of the FBLA club and secretary of the heritage club. He also is apart of Student Government, STEM academy, National Honor Society, and English Honor Society. Christian has taken 9 AP class in his time at MHS and specializes in Macroeconomics, Physics, and Math. Feel free to reach out.
Tutor Availability
Name | Days | Times |
Jonah | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 3:00 to 7:00 PM |
Aidan | Monday, Tuesday, Friday | 3:00 to 7:00 PM |
Gavin | Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday | 3:00 to 7:00 PM |
Christian | Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | 3:00 to 7:00 PM |
Book a Session
Currently our booking platform isn't finished - our hope is it will be up in the next week. Insert your email to get notified as soon as we are up and running!
Thank you so much! We look forward to being able to help students meet their academic goals!